Sunday, April 22, 2012

Final Sequential Imagery

Here is my final Sequential Imagery, I used a clipping mask in the third image to put the picture of me browsing the internet at work in a money symbol, In the second image I integrated the watch from the first image to make each image flow into the next one. Also in the third image I added the same style font and effects to the word "time" and "expense" as in the first and second image to produce the same "sequential" effect.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sequential Imagery Preliminary

My topic for the Sequential Imagery project is Internet Browsing at the work place. We all do it without realizing its the same thing as stealing money from our employers. This project was made with intention to bring awareness to this issue. All images are my own. I own the watch, the money was whatever bills I had in my wallet duplicated a bunch of times, and the picture is me browsing Facebook at my office. (Don't worry I took the picture after work was over... not on company time). All other effects were created purely with Photoshop. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Final - Digital Enhancements

For my final version, I increased the color and saturation on the candles to make them pop out more, and applied a radial blur to the sun rays of the background to intensify the rays of light to give it a more "godly" effect, like one of the students suggested I do. I applied a layer mask to the rays of light after words to make sure the hands holding the coffin still shown through the light and no detail from the picture was lost. Additionally I also removed the buildings in the background, like many of my classmates suggested.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Digital Enhancements - Preliminary

Digitally Enhanced - Preliminary

Original Photomontage

I recently downloaded and tested adobe Photoshop Cs6 beta which has a new camera raw feature that has improvements in adjusting exposure, shadows, highlights, hue, and saturation, and other features which allows me to bring out the most detail possible in my image. As you can see here there is definitely some improvements in the clarity and texture of the image then in my original photo montage. Additionally, I fixed up and touched up a number of blemishes by applying layer masks to each layer and removing excess pixels that didn't belong there. For example, in the original If you see around the coffin in the top right corner of the image you can see many scattered pixels, but if you look in the Digitally Enhanced preliminary image, you can see those blemishes have been removed

Here is a link to download Adobe Photoshop CS6 beta:


Friday, March 16, 2012

Recreate A Book Cover - Preliminary

The book cover I chose to recreate is called "Written on the Body" by author Jeanette Winterson. I used a displacement map to make it appear as if the words "Written on the Body" were tattooed on the girl. The text in the background is the first paragraph of the book. The links to the original picture of the girl as well as the original cover of the book are posted below.

Work Cited:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Final Design - Poster

This is my final poster design. As you can see it is a poster promoting the legalazation of marijuana. If marijuana were legal a lot more job opportunities  would open up and also people would be more open to taking it medically in moderation. In the poster you can see how marijuana is a safer alternative to alcohol, which many americans suffer from addiction of it today. You can also see how marijuana is indeed a medical substitution if used in the right way. And of course, if legalized it must be regulated as not to get out of hand.
SAFER - BEER - falling money

Monday, March 5, 2012

Poster Preliminary- Legalize It

Here is my preliminary poster. Hey it's legal in California and Colorado, why not here? Also, if they legalize marajuana the government can create more jobs for people, like opening up dispensaries and taxing the product. In a sense it would be helping the economy.

Work Cited

Monday, February 27, 2012

Final Photomontage- In Loving Memory of a Dear Friend: Simon Grama

The color was a bit off on my preliminary and my friends face was giving off a reddish tinge so I adjusted the color balance and skin tones to give the skin a more natural color

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Photomontage: In Memory of My Roommate Simon Grama

This Photomontage is in dear memory of my friend and roommate Simon Grama, may he rest in peace. Simon was killed in a terrible car accident on October 24th, 2011. In the far right you can see his coffin being lead up to heaven and in the left corner you can see his theoretical transformation to an angel with wings that continues to protect his friends and family from up in heaven.

Below are the links to some of the photos i used from the internet:

Clouds -

Wings -

candles -

winding road -

background (heaven and hell) -

The Rest of the Pictures are my own

Monday, January 23, 2012

This is my little brother in 3 different stages of his life. In the Jewish religion when a boy turns 13 years of age we celebrate by making him a party called a Bar Mitzvah (in hebrew) for becoming a man and accepting the will of God and being responsible for his own actions, when until now it was the responsibility of the parents. I made this poster (using Photoshop) to display it at his "bar mitzvah" to demonstrate his growth from early childhood until manhood. Incorporated is three different images I merged into one final image.